In der Rosisten-1 Gartenwirtschaft, Ziegelhüttenweg 221, 
60598 Frankfurt am Main Sachsenhausen

Dienstags – Samstags ab 17 Uhr,
Sonntags ab 12 Uhr


Unser Live Musik Angebot reicht von Blues, Jazz, Soul, Funk & Latin bis hin zu Country, Folk, Pop & Singer/Songwriter

Big Time at the Frankfurt Art Bar
April King / FAB Allstars at the Frankfurt Art Bar
Larry Watkins & Band at the Frankfurt Art Bar
King, Lenz, Baumgardt at the Frankfurt Art Bar
Frank Hammer, Chris Martin, Thomas Schilling & Peter Fahrenholz at the Frankfurt Art Bar
Born, Lenz, Baumgardt at the Frankfurt Art Bar
Mary Montalvo Como at the Frankfurt Art Bar
Jazzy Crane Lounge at the Frankfurt Art Bar
Down Home Percolators at the Frankfurt Art Bar